Thursday, August 13, 2015

Day 4- Cleaning your home so you can stay focused

Hopefully you’ve been reading along all week and are ready for day 4 of the Back to Homeschool Blog Hop! Today I want to focus on something that distracts Moms - namely - a messy, dirty house.

Back to Homeschool Blog Hop

Moms, It will not do you any good to plan out those lessons if all you can see on the first day your troops gather is a messy home. Take some time and clean your house! 

I know in our home the summer months can be so packed full of activities and going outside that the house suffers. Things get dropped just inside the door and they don’t get put away. NOW, before you start back to homeschooling, is the time to get everything put away.

Dearest Moms, you need to clean your home so YOU can stay focused this school year. Take a few hours or a few days, however much time you need, and get your home organized before you add in the demands of educating your children. Better yet, get the whole family involved. Assign each child an age-appropriate task, and get everyone working on getting your house clean!

Take time to deep clean your bathrooms and the kitchen, because we all know these are the areas that we as Moms notice the most when they’re dirty! Have your children pull everything out from under their beds and sort, purge, and sweep. Help them as much as they needs it. This is an exercise in preparing your home to be an inviting place ~ for you!

If you want some inspiration for cleaning, or tips on how to divide it up into manageable chunks, you can pop on over and read some of the posts on my dear friend Michele’s blog. Most of you will remember Michele’s quest to have us spend 34 weeks to clean and declutter our homes this year. We have accomplished almost all of the 34 tasks… even though I haven’t blogged about all of them! For the ones I have blogged about, I've labelled them "34 Weeks of cleaning w/friends."

Once your bathrooms and kitchen are under control, pick the one room where you and your children spend the most time during the school year and clean that room. I know you are going to be glad you did!

Tomorrow I’m going to talk about… something I want to do better at this school year. 

Not much of a spoiler - but I do hope you’ll be back tomorrow!

Back to Homeschool Blog Hop
Marcy @ Ben and Me

Rebecca @ Raventhreads
Annette @ In All You Do

Aurie @ Our Good Life
Jennifer @ A Peace of Mind
Katie @ DailyLife
Melissa @ Mom's Plans
Annette @ A Net In Time

Crystal @ Crystal Starr
Shawna @ Tenacity Divine
Jacquelin @ A Stable Beginning 
Leah Courtney @ As We Walk Along the Road

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